Friday, July 30, 2010

Freedom is a willing enslavement to what you love most

My Spanish(or lack thereof) is going to kill me. Last night we went out for the first time to the Mariscal, which Lonely Planet defines as notorious for "gringo hunting." Anyway I decided to try this drink which loosely translated to "Expect to be on the floor" and contains vodka, rum, gin, and tequila. It was repulsive. And when I tried to ask for change she misunderstood and brought me a second. However, it did give me enough courage to salsa at this one club. Unfortunately, I somehow ended up dancing with a salsa instructor who proceeded to correct me non-stop. I got home around 2:30 and had to wake up today at 7:00 for a city-wide gynkana or "scavenger hunt." It was so much fun and my team won! and I almost know my way around very select parts of the city hahah.

Other things from this week: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, after class, I had salsa lessons. Surprisingly, I can almost hear the beat/tempo, as long as the teacher is clapping, but once he stops it sort of goes downhill. And by downhill I mean when the song ends I am the only person facing the opposite direction. Tuesday night Liz, Kristen, and I went to Diego's house and watched a movie. Wednesday I already had my first presentation in Spanish!!! It was about child exploitation in Ecuador... I guess it went fine. Hmmm Wednesday we went to a museum and that night I went with my whole family to La Ronda for dinner. I should probably not wait until the end of the week to recap, but that's everything significant I can remember.

Even though I have been using the altitude as an excuse for absolutely EVERYTHING apparently people generally do require more sleep here. I haven't gotten 8 hours of sleep in forever and am exhausted. Now, siesta.

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